divendres, 21 de juny del 2019


Frederic Mompou was a Catalan composer of lyric songs and piano miniatures whose music is characterized by Impressionist elegance, simple and direct melody, and the haunting, deep emotions of folk music. Here you can listen to Mompou's fine piano music and here you can get his sheet music. Read the whole post here.

dissabte, 1 de juny del 2019

Amics, he estat allunyat de les xarxes durant força temps, degut a diversos raons importants. Ho sento. Entretemps, he tingut l'ocasió de descobrir una pàgina web molt gran per obtenir un munt de partitures gratis: https://sheetmusiclibrary.website/ Cuideu-vos molt! Abraçades.